The ancient place, so called Orovies, mentioned by historians the existence of which has been concluded by archaelogical data, was a significant town of N. Evia, at one side of Evoic Bay, a little wersternly of Ecomnia (todays Limni) and Homeric Aeges. In the city it is situated the famous Oracle devoted to Apollo the Selicountio which was thought to be the "most infallible". The town was partially destroyed during the earthquakes of 426 B.C. (information provided by Thucidides) and then expanded southernly of surrounding colonies, where the inhabitation has been dated in any period of time.
In Middle Age (Byzantin-Francovenetian years) this town had been significant, an historic evidence of that era being its Tower which was built in the times of Villaduines (13th A.B. century). Even in the years of Turks occupation, because of its fertile and cultivable land, Rovies became the administrative centre of our greatest area (Nahiyie), as this results from information on the 15th cent. Early in 20th cent. the well-known Paleologos family was assimilated to the life and history of this village. The well-known woman, Anna Papadopoulou (the socalled Army's mother and Pavlos Melas, the Macedonian fighter, sister) was meber of this family. Today, Rovies is a modern nice town of about 1500 inhabitans situated at the national road Limni-Aedipsos (9 km from Limni and 29 km from Aidipsos Av.) has been well-known for its olive production and a signigicant number of tourist coming here the summer months, factors making the town full of life.